§ 265-1215 HISTORICALLY DESIGNATED STRUCTURES Historically designated structures are exempt from applicable provisions for nonconformities.
§ 265-1215 HISTORICALLY DESIGNATED STRUCTURES Historically designated structures are exempt from applicable provisions for nonconformities.
§ 265-1214 NONCONFORMING LOTS Nonconforming lots shall be considered lawful if shown by a recorded plat or deed in a manner not prohibited by zoning provisions in effect at the time of recording, provided that such have not been subsequently consolidated by recorded subdivision or deed. Nonconforming structures on nonconforming Read more…
§ 265-1213 PARKING When an existing single family detached dwelling is converted to a duplex dwelling where authorized by this Chapter, off-street parking required for both units shall be provided and no credit for nonconforming deficiency of off-street parking shall be given for the existing single family detached dwelling unit.
§ 265-1212 SIGNS Any nonconforming sign removed, whether by Act of God, vandalism, accident, or voluntarily, if replaced, shall be subject to all existing standards of this Chapter.
§ 265-1211 RECONSTRUCTION OF DEMOLISHED STRUCTURES Any nonconforming structure demolished within the Borough may be reconstructed within 18 months after the date on which demolition commenced as per approved demolition permit required by the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code or the date on which destruction occurred by Act of God, fire, Read more…
§ 265-1210 CONSTRUCTION APPROVED PRIOR TO CHAPTER ADOPTION OR AMENDMENT Nothing herein contained shall require any change in plans, construction or designated use of a building or structure for which a zoning permit has been issued and the construction of which shall have been diligently prosecuted within six (6) months Read more…
§ 265-1209 ABANDONMENT A nonconforming use of a building or land that has been abandoned shall not thereafter be returned to such nonconforming use. A nonconforming use shall be considered abandoned as follows: When the intent of the owner to discontinue the use is apparent; or When the characteristic equipment Read more…
§ 265-1208 CHANGE OF NONCONFORMING USE No nonconforming building, structure, or use shall be changed to another nonconforming use unless approved by the Zoning Hearing Board as a special exception pursuant to Section 265-1405.
§ 265-1207 NONCONFORMING USES A nonconforming use shall not be extended, except as authorized by special exception pursuant to Section 265-1405. The extension of a lawful or conforming use to any portion of a nonconforming building or structure that existed prior to the enactment of this Chapter shall not be Read more…
§ 265-1206 ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES A nonconforming structure may be increased in height not to exceed the maximum height of the respective district. A nonconforming structure may be expanded into a required yard as long as such expansion does not encroach further into the yard than at Read more…