Tarentum Borough does not have a defined Community Development department. All community and economic development projects are processed through the Borough Manager’s office. For that reason, the information posted on this page is a general listing of development projects occurring within the Borough. For more information, please contact the Borough Manager.

Current Projects:
2023 Facade Improvement Program
The Tarentum Borough Façade Improvement Grant Program provides grants of up to $5,000 available to commercial property owners or business owners with property owner approval to encourage the restoration of building facades and enhance the appearance of storefronts in the Borough. The façade improvement grants are intended to stimulate private investment in preserving historic downtown architecture and foster image-making improvements to the Borough’s commercial properties.
An attractive image is of critical importance to the success of any commercial area. Façade and storefront improvements are proven to be one of the most effective approaches to enhancing a commercial area’s image and economic vitality.
• Any person(s) or legal entity that owns or leases commercial buildings in the Tarentum Borough’s C-1 Zone is eligible to apply. Applications by lessees/tenants require the consent of the property owner.
• To review all eligibility guidelines, please see the complete grant guidelines and application available at the Tarentum Borough Building.
Projects must achieve visible results that enhance the commercial image, marketability, and economic vitality while presenting the building in its most appealing form with the original character of the building preserved and enhanced.
• Major maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and restoration of commercial storefronts and facades are eligible activities.
• To review all eligibility guidelines, please see the complete grant guidelines and application available at the Tarentum Borough Building.
The grant will award up to $5,000 per approved project by reimbursing eligible activities. All selected applicants will be required to have a match of 10% of the total approved grant amount.
• A maximum of 10 grants will be awarded in any given year.
Project activities must conform to the following:
• The Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings outlined by the Secretary of the Interior if the building is designates as historic by the State of Federal Registries.
• The Tarentum Borough Zoning Ordinance
Applications are available here:
They also may be obtained at the office of the Borough of Tarentum, 318 East 2nd Avenue, Tarentum, PA, 15084. . For more information, please call 724.671.7474.

2019-2024 Demolition Project
More information here.
Economic Development:

303 E. 5th Avenue
The Depot

150 W. 7th Avenue
Family Dollar