Karen Marietti, Tax Collector

Tarentum Borough

318 E Second Avenue
Tarentum, PA 15084
email: karenmarietti@comcast.net

Office Hours:
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

CLOSED: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Recent Tax Office News:

Coronavirus Update – December 7, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICE (2020.12.07): As everyone is aware, the Coronavirus matter remains a rapidly evolving situation. Similar to March 2020, Tarentum Borough will again be taking steps to limit the exposure or possible spread of Coronavirus within our municipal operation. We have no greater responsibility than to protect the health, safety

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Pay Online:

Updated 2020.02.28: Taxpayers can now pay their municipal taxes online here.

Update: Delinquent Tax List

Click below to review the list of delinquent property tax payers in Tarentum Borough. This list includes only those taxes due to the Borough.

View Online List
View Google Docs Spreadsheet

Collection Dates and Details

Borough Property Taxes:
Mailed annually on March 1

Discount (March 1 – April 30)
Face (May 1 – June 30)
Penalty (After June 30)

County Property Taxes:
Mailed annually on February 1.

Discount (February 1 – April 30)
Face (May 1 – May 31)
Penalty (After May 31)

School Property Taxes:
Mailed annually on July 1.

Discount (July 1 – August 31)
Face (September 1 – October 31)
Penalty (After October 31)

Who do I send payment to?

Current and delinquent Tarentum Borough property taxes are collected by Tarentum Borough Tax Collector, Karen Marietti.

Current and delinquent Allegheny County property taxes are collected by: John Weinstein, County Treasurer, Room 108, 436 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 350-4100.
More info: https://www.alleghenycounty.us/

Current Highlands School District property taxes are collected by Tarentum Borough Tax Collector, Karen Marietti.

Delinquent Highlands School property taxes are collected by: Andrews and Price, LLC, Tax Collections Dept., 1500 Ardmore Blvd., Suite 506, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 (412) 243-9700.
More info: https://www.andrewsandprice.com/payments/

2022 Tax Rate Summary

Property Tax Rates

Tarentum Borough (2022):
5.48 mills

Allegheny County (2022):
4.73 mills

Highlands SD (2021):
24.88 mills

Per Capita Taxes

Tarentum Borough (2022):
$5.00 per year

Highlands SD (2022):
$10.00 per year

Historical Tax Rate Summary

Borough Property Tax Rates

1980: (Ordinance 79-11)
1981: (Ordinance 80-37)
1982: (Ordinance 81-14)
1983: (Ordinance 82-13)
1984: (Ordinance 83-07)
1985: (Ordinance 84-06)
1986: 25 mills
1987: 28 mills (Ordinance 86-08)
1988: 28 mills (Ordinance 87-11)
1989: 28 mills (Ordinance 88-05)
1990: 31 mills (Ordinance 89-07)
1991: 31 mills (Ordinance 90-10)
1992: 31 mills (Ordinance 91-07A)
1993: 31 mills (Ordinance 92-11)
1994: 28 mills (Ordinance 93-13)
1995: 28.5 mills (Ordinance 94-08)
1996: 28.5 mills (Ordinance 95-11)
1997: 28.5 mills (Ordinance 96-11)
1998: 28.5 mills (Ordinance 97-03)
1999: 28.5 mills (Ordinance 98-08)
2000: 28.5 mills
2001: 4.48 mills (Ordinance 01-03)

Borough Property Tax Rates

2002: 4.48 mills (Ordinance 02-01)
2003: 4.48 mills (Ordinance 03-01)
2004: 4.48 mills (Ordinance 04-01)
2005: 4.48 mills (Ordinance 05-01)
2006: Tax Ordinance Not Found
2007: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 07-01)
2008: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 07-10)
2009: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 09-01)
2010: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 10-01)
2011: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 11-01)
2012: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 12-01)
2013: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 13-01)
2014: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 14-01)
2015: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 15-01)
2016: Tax Ordinance Not Found
2017: Tax Ordinance Not Found
2018: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 17-06)
2019: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 18-05)
2020: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 19-06)
2021: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 20-03)
2022: 5.48 mills (Ordinance 21-08)

Other Tax Collectors

Earned Income Tax Collector/
Local Service Tax Collector

Keystone Collections
PSD Code 710604

Business Privilege Tax Collector

Tarentum Borough
318 Second Avenue
Tarentum, PA 15084


What forms of payment are accepted?

Ms. Marietti accepts cash and check payments.

Can the borough tax collector forgive penalty amounts on delinquent tax?

No, the tax collector just collects the property taxes. The tax collectors do not have the authority to set the amount of taxes, discounts or penalties incurred on the tax bills. You should know however, there are various programs that provide reductions for homeowners, senior citizens and our disabled veterans. Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion (Act 50)

Does the local tax collector have the authority to change the millage rates or lower the property taxes?


What happens if my taxes are escrowed through my mortgage?

If you have a mortgage on your property, chances are you have agreed to escrow your tax payment through your mortgage company. Check with your lender to determine whether they will be paying your annual property taxes.

Keep in mind, f your taxes are paid through your mortgage’s escrow and you pay off your mortgage, it is your responsibility to notify the Allegheny County Tax Assessment Office in order for your tax bills to be sent directly to you instead of the mortgage company. Often, the mortgage company does not notify the County that your mortgage is paid in full. Therefore, subsequent tax bills will not be sent to your home address, which may cause you to miss due dates and receive delinquent penalties.

Where can I find information regarding the Senior Citizen Property Tax Relief Program?

Information can be found on the county website located here. All Allegheny County home owners who are age 60 and older, who have resided in and owned their home for the last ten years, and have a total gross household income that is no greater than $30,000 may qualify for the program. Formerly known as Act 77, the program gives all qualified applicants a 30% discount on County real estate taxes. Note: Qualified residents will also receive a discount of $20.00 on their Tarentum Borough Property Taxes. Applications must be sent to Allegheny County.

What are special assessments?

Special assessments are additional charges on a property, which are usually associated with a public improvement that benefits certain property owners, such as a sewer assessment. Special assessments are usually added to the owner’s property tax bill.

What are supplemental tax bills?

Supplemental tax bills are additional property tax bills that result from a re-appraisal of a property, usually because of a transfer of ownership or a physical improvement or expansion to the property. If the reappraisal determines that additional taxes are owed, a supplemental tax bill is issued.

How do I search for my assessment and property taxes in Allegheny County?

The first step in calculating the property tax in Allegheny County, PA, is to find the assessment for the property. The Assessment Search Tutorial will thoroughly explain the procedure of searching the property assessment on the Allegheny County web site.

Remember all the hype about legalizing gambling in Pennsylvania; and how it was going to lower our property taxes? How much did you save? Proceed to the School Tax Rates page.