


The three northernmost communities along the Allegheny River in Allegheny County are in a position to forge a future that capitalizes on their location, assets and ambition for change.

Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan

Forging Our Future (Draft)

Harrison • Brackenridge • Tarentum Comprehensive Plan (2020)

Forging Our Future | Appendix

Forging Our Future | Executive Summary


Visit our Comprehensive Plan Page

Details about the adoption process and comprehensive plan development can be found on our site at


Public Input and Adoption

The draft plan has been sent to Allegheny County for review. Following County review, the document will then be available for review and public comment from the community. We will provide several opportunities for the public to discuss the details of the plan and provide public comment.

Each municipality will hold public meetings for their residents and community members. 

Tarentum Borough Meeting Details

November 17, 2020 at 6:00 PM | Tarentum Borough Planning Commission (PC) Public Meeting | Tarentum Borough Council Chambers

At this meeting, the Tarentum PC will review and discuss the details of the comprehensive plan. The consulting team of Pashek + MTR will also be present to discuss the plan and answer questions from the PC. There will be an opportunity for public comment and feedback at this meeting.

December 1, 2020 at 5:30 PM | Tarentum Borough Council Public Hearing | Tarentum Borough Council Chambers

At this meeting, Tarentum Borough Council will hold a public hearing pursuant to the Municipal Planning Code for review and discussion of the Plan details. As part of this public hearing, the consulting team of Pashek + MTR will conduct a brief presentation on the Plan and answer questions from Borough Council. This hearing will also allow for public comment and feedback from residents and community members. 

December 1, 2020 at 6:00 PM | Tarentum Borough Council Agenda Meeting | Tarentum Borough Council Chambers

At the conclusion of the public hearing, Tarentum Borough council will conduct it’s regularly scheduled agenda meeting. If there are no substantial changes to the plan following the public hearing, Borough Council may consider formal adoption of the plan at this agenda meeting. 

Harrison Township Meeting Details

November 2, 2020 | Harrison Township Planning Commission (PC) Public Meeting | Harrison Township Municipal Building

December 7, 2020 | Harrison Township Planning Commission (PC) Public Meeting | Harrison Township Municipal Building

At one or both of the above meetings, the Harrison Township PC will review and discuss the details of the comprehensive plan. The consulting team of Pashek + MTR will also be present to discuss the plan and answer questions from the PC. There will be an opportunity for public comment and feedback at this meeting. Please check back or contact Harrison Township officials to learn more about which meeting will contain discussion of the Comprehensive Plan.

November 23, 2020 | Harrison Township Commissioner Public Hearing | Harrison Township Municipal Building

December 28, 2020 | Harrison Township Commissioner Public Hearing | Harrison Township Municipal Building

At one or both of the above meetings, the Harrison Township Commissioners will hold a public hearing pursuant to the Municipal Planning Code for review and discussion of the Plan details. As part of this public hearing, the consulting team of Pashek + MTR will conduct a brief presentation on the Plan and answer questions from the Township Commissioners. This hearing will also allow for public comment and feedback from residents and community members. Please check back or contact Harrison Township officials to learn more about which meeting date will hold a Public Hearing regarding the Comprehensive Plan.

Brackenridge Meeting Details

November/December 2020 | Brackenridge Borough Public Meeting | Brackenridge Borough Building

November/December 2020 | Brackenridge Borough Public Hearing | Brackenridge Borough Building

Please check back for more information.


Forging Our Future (Draft)

2020.09.14 Comp Plan – Draft