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  1. The RC District is designed to encourage innovative commercial development along the Borough’s Route 28 corridor while retaining the essential characteristics of the region and protecting the Borough’s natural features.
  2. Permitted Uses. The following uses shall be authorized as permitted uses within the RC District:
    1. All permitted and conditional uses in the R-1 Single Family District
    2. Administrative and Professional Offices
    3. Banquet Hall
    4. Entertainment Recreation Facilities, Indoor
    5. Personal Care Home
    6. School, Private
    7. Group Residential Facility
    8. Hospital or Clinic
    9. Transitional Residential Facility
    10. Animal Hospital/Clinic
    11. Warehouse
    12. Billboards
  3. Basic Dimensional Standards. The following shall apply to all uses authorized:
    1. Minimum Front Yard: 75 Feet
    2. Minimum Side Yard: 60 Feet
    3. Minimum Rear Yard: 75 Feet
    4. Maximum Lot Coverage: 40 Percent
    5. Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage: 60 Percent
    6. Minimum Lot Area: 40,000 square feet
    7. Minimum Lot Width: 150 feet
  4. Dimensional Standards for authorized conditional uses.
    1. Minimum Front Yard: 75 Feet
    2. Minimum Side Yard: 75 Feet
    3. Minimum Rear Yard: 75 Feet
    4. All yards shall increase by five feet for every thousand square feet of gross floor area beyond five thousand square feet of total gross floor area of buildings on the lot.
    5. Maximum Lot Coverage: 35 Percent
    6. Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage: 50 Percent
    7. Minimum Lot Area: 80,000 square feet
    8. Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet
    9. Maximum Building Height: 45 feet or three stories, whichever is less.
  5. Billboards are authorized permitted uses in the RC District, either as a principle or accessory use, subject to Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) regulations where such billboard is proposed on land abutting a Commonwealth owned and maintained right-of-way and the following standards:
    1. Billboards may not exceed forty-eight feet (48’) in width and fourteen feet (14’) in height.
    2. Billboards may not be illuminated after 1 a.m. and before 6 a.m.
    3. Billboards may not be placed closer than five hundred feet (500’) from any point on another billboard.
    4. An annual billboard permit fee shall be paid to the Borough, upon inspection, at a rate set by Council by resolution, as may be amended from time to time.