We are pleased to announce that our municipal water system’s Annual Consumer Confidence Report is now available. This comprehensive report provides important information about the quality and safety of your drinking water.

Access the Report: Residents can access the report on our official borough website or pick up a physical copy at the Borough Office during regular business hours. The report details the sources of our water, the results of recent tests, and other valuable information about the measures we take to ensure the highest quality water for our community.

Our Commitment to Long-Term Improvement: The Borough of Tarentum is deeply committed to the long-term sustainable improvement of our water system. We have invested significant time and resources to upgrade our infrastructure, enhance our monitoring processes, and ensure consistent compliance with all state and federal regulations. These efforts are a testament to our dedication to providing safe and reliable water to all residents.

Advanced SCADA and Monitoring Systems: We have implemented advanced SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and monitoring systems to ensure real-time oversight and management of our water system. These systems allow us to detect and address issues promptly, ensuring that our water quality remains consistently high and any potential problems are quickly mitigated.

Significant Grants for Major Upgrades: We have announced several significant grants that we have secured over the last few months to replace our water system’s major mechanical and electrical components. These funds have enabled us to modernize our infrastructure, making it more resilient and efficient. These upgrades are crucial for maintaining the reliability and safety of our water supply.

Operational Efficiency: In our ongoing efforts to optimize operations and reduce costs, we have successfully reduced our staffing from three shifts to two shifts without compromising service quality. This change has been made possible by implementing our advanced monitoring systems and strategic operational planning.

Special Thank You: We would like to extend a special thank you to our dedicated water treatment staff, distribution team, and public works staff. Their hard work and commitment are the backbone of our water system’s success. Your unwavering dedication and tireless efforts ensure that our community has access to safe and reliable drinking water every day. Thank you for your exceptional service and dedication.

These initiatives are part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring that our water system remains robust, efficient, and capable of meeting the needs of our community now and in the future.

For more information or to access the report, please visit our website or contact the Borough Office.

Dwight Boddorf,
Borough Manager