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§ 265-501        General Standards and Application Requirements

  1. Conditional Uses. Conditional uses are unique, and their effect on the surrounding environment cannot be determined in advance of the use being proposed for a particular parcel of land.  At the time of application, a review of the location, design, configuration and potential impact of the proposed use shall be conducted by the Planning Commission.  The proposed use shall be analyzed by comparing it to established development standards and design guidelines.  This review shall determine whether the proposed use addresses the specific standards identified in this Ordinance, and whether or not it should be permitted by weighing the public need for, and the benefit to be derived from the use, against the impact which it may cause.
  2. General Standards. Each conditional use proposed shall be evaluated by and shall meet the following standards.
    1. The use shall meet the specific standards and criteria set forth in this Chapter, particularly in the Article with respect to the particular use authorized. Where no express standards are set forth relating to a specific use,
    2. The use shall not endanger the public health, safety, morals and general welfare in the location where proposed.
    3. The use shall not deteriorate the environment or generate extraordinary nuisance conditions including but not limited to traffic congestion, noise, dust, smoke, glare and vibration.
    4. The use, as proposed, shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
    5. The character of the use shall be in general conformity and compatible with uses in the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be located.
    6. Shall not adversely affect the assessed valuation of abutting properties.
  3. Application Requirements. The applicant shall submit all of the following in order for the application to be considered as an application for conditional use approval.
    1. Where new structures, parking, or landscaping are required or proposed, the applicant shall submit a Mylar and sufficient copies of a plan on 24 by 36 inch sized paper at a scale necessary to show all required details. Said plan shall be drawn by a registered surveyor and shall include all details necessary to demonstrate and evaluate compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and the standards and criteria specified in this article.
    2. Where new structures are proposed, building elevations showing building façade treatments.
    3. The following shall be submitted as an impact study.
      1. Information concerning the average number of daily vehicle trips estimated to be generated by such use, with peak-hour vehicle trip ends identified.
      2. Information concerning the estimated amount of tax revenue to be generated by such a use, broken down by revenue to paid to the Borough, Allegheny County, and the Highlands School District.
      3. Information concerning the estimated cost of public services to be provided to such use, broken down by cost to be borne Borough, Allegheny County, and the Highlands School District, including police, transportation, and other public services.
      4. Applicants shall submit a narrative detailing the proposed use including gross floor area, number of employees, operating hours, and a general synopsis of business or use activities and operating polices, including information sufficient to demonstrate compliance with State licenses as may be required.
    4. Required fee per the Borough’s adopted fee schedule.
    5. The applicant shall indicate in writing whether or not the applicant is willing to accept the decision of a hearing officer if the Borough Council, by majority vote, accepts the decision and findings of a hearing officer in lieu of its own decision and findings, as authorized in Section 913.2 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended.